ADHD Testing with Holistic healing psychiatry
Our practice uses Qbtech’s objective ADHD test(s), FDA cleared medical device(s) that provide objective data for evaluating and treating ADHD, alongside other clinical measures, for patients aged 6-60. This evidence-based testing allows us to gather more information on your symptoms.
Three reasons testing is important:
1. Mitigating bias due to age and sex differences.
— ADHD presents very differently, depending one’s age/sex.
–Qbtech’s test results include data from age/sex-matched normative groups to ensure better comparisons of your symptom severity.
2. Symptoms of ADHD can overlap with other disorders. Qbtech’s objective testing provides data to better understand if symptoms fit the presentation we expect with ADHD or not.
3. Ensuring optimal outcomes
—If a diagnosis of ADHD is reached, finding the optimal treatment takes some trial-and-error, and determining treatment efficacy can be difficult.
— Qbtech’s testing allows us to measure response to treatment to ensure you are receiving optimal results in a streamlined way.
• What you can expect:
• Testing involves a 15 to 20 minute, nonverbal, computer-based task.
• The task measures your attention level and impulse control.
• While taking the task, movements are measured to determine if hyperactivity is present.
• Results are compared to an age and sex matched control group.
• With the information from your clinical interview and rating scale(s), your clinician will interpret results of all relevant clinical information, to determine the outcome.
• If an ADHD diagnosis is confirmed, our practice may conduct repeat testing to measure your response to treatment.
Please reach out to your clinician if you have any questions.